Digital Education Dialogues - Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union

We were honoured to participate in the Digital Education Dialogues event hosted by the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union with Beth Havinga holding the keynote on Trust, Data, and a pathway forward together. The two day event explored fundamental questions of trust between the public sector and industry and measures tht could facilitate cooperation between stakeholders. The delegates from member states and civil society then delved into what it means to balance the protection of data and privacy whilst promoting innovation, and how to evaluate the effectiveness of digital education content and tools with a special focus on the implementation of AI systems in education.

It was encouraging to hear the consensus from all those present that we need to explore common and unified frameworks of evaluation for EdTech and provide transparent and standardised methods for showcasing evidence.

Image courtesy of Jelle Jansegers

A full overview of the discussions, presentations and outcomes of this event can be found here.


Building Trust and Evidence in the EdTech Sector: Stakeholder Insights from in-person EdTech Strategy Labs Workshops


EEA Meets Researchers Webinar Report: Trust and Evidence in EdTech