EdTech Strategy Labs

Our online Summer Workshop Series has been complemented by a special session for EEA members and an in-person workshop at University College London (UCL) which was part of the annual London EdTech Week.

Throughout our workshops, we have been hearing some common themes:

  • There is a high degree of complexity navigating the evidence landscape

  • There is a lack of a common understanding of what constitutes evidence

  • A lack of transparency in terms of research and certification practices makes some of these practices less trustworthy

  • Partnerships are needed to create trust and ensure targeted EdTech development

Check out our summer session workshop reports for EdTech Providers, Evaluation Developers, Academics and Researchers and make sure to read our spotlight reports from our discussions with Pati Ruiz at Digital Promise, UNICEF´s Learning Innovation Hub, and Michael Forshaw at EdTech Impact.

Make sure to explore more from the project here.


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