We need to better support Women in Edtech - here’s why

1.3%. It’s the amount of VC funding scooped up by female co-founded startups in Europe since 2017. Across all industries. In Edtech, 3.8% of funding went to female founded startups while mixed teams got 15.6%. Although the number of female co-founded startups in Edtech is way above the average of what is the case in tech space, the amount of funding they get remains significantly low.

We know that startups founded or co-founded by women tend to generate more revenue. BCG released a study back in 2018 explaining why that’s the case: Why Women-Owned Startups Are a Better Bet. We could expect that to be true for Edtech female founders too, and even more so perhaps considering the potential of female (co)led and designed products for predominantly female usage models. Let’s keep in mind that according to HolonIQ data, 54% of public school principals and 75% of public school teachers are women.


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